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Achieve Your Goals in 2013. An Interview with Life Coach, Susan Fox.

by Vishnu

It’s almost the new year! Which only means one thing: new year’s resolutions to be made. And broken.

Why do you have such a hard time following through with your New Year’s resolutions?

Why don’t you complete and meet your goals?

How can you actually achieve your goals in life?

Great questions! I don’t have the answer to any of them.

So I spent a part of my holiday trying to figure out how we can actually achieve our goals.

Life coach and life coach trainer, Susan Fox, shed some light on the subject of how to achieve goals. Susan’s a professional life coach who helps her clients get motivated and inspired to get things done in life.

Check out the video below to learn more about how to achieve your goals, resolutions, and inner-most wants and desires.

Well, not sure about the last part but she does give you actionable steps you can take to achieve your personal goals and new year’s resolutions.

(Spoiler alert – there’s no magic pill, magic bullet or abracadabra involved)

Thanks for doing this interview Susan! If you’re looking for a terrific life coach, visit Susan’s site for more information. If you’re interested in a full workshop on achieving your goals for the new year, Susan will help you reboot your brain in late January. Details here.

Do you have a lot of goals planned for the new year? If you have a goal-achieving tip which can help others, please share in the comments below.