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Is God Listening

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When tragic and painful events unfold in your life, do you wonder where God is?

Is your life crumbling in front of your eyes?

If you’re going through life-changing, soul-crushing painful life events, you’re looking for answers. Desperate answers. You may be praying to God and wondering how He is allowing life to repeatedly kick you down, especially when you’re already down.

Life may be so challenging that you might even be doubting the existence of God. Maybe there is no God? What kind of God would make your life this miserable and put you through the series of events and hurt that you’re experiencing? Painful events like:

  • Relationship breakups and divorce
  • Death (not yours, that of a loved one. Ok, fine, yours too)
  • Financial loss, bankruptcy or job loss
  • Life-crippling accidents, disease, serious health conditions

Is it punishment for things you’ve done to others in your life or in your previous lives?

Is it fate?

Is God testing you?

Why do bad things happen to good people? (A question my clients used to ask me while I was a criminal defense lawyer.)

Is God Listening to what you have to say? Why isn’t He doing anything about it?

Is God Listening? is a book about how to use faith and spirituality to survive life’s most challenging events. The book will help you get through some of the most difficult times in your life by sharing ancient wisdom in easy-to-understand concepts that you can directly apply to your life.

The entertaining journey of Vishnu, a spiritual traveler like you, hopes to simplify philosophical and religious-speak so you can apply them to your everyday life. Yes, Vishnu may be going to hell, but you may be spared.

This book may be your ticket to inner peace and divine wisdom.

Is God Listening? is a punchy and humorous account to understand His eminence.

This book will:

  • Help you understand God better so you stop feeling like you have zero control over your life’s circumstances and situations.
  • Explore soul-crushing events and suffering so you feel more empowered when life gives you the roller-coaster ride you didn’t ask for.
  • Share with you God’s exact location so you can contact Him directly even if he’s elusive and hard to find. You’ll be shocked by where He’s been the whole time!
  • Show you why God isn’t like a mafia don creating havoc and suffering in your life. Will give you ways to think about God that will change your relationship and interaction with the Big Guy so you won’t feel ignored and lonely.
  • Change the way you talk to God and show you how to actually listen to what He has to say. Also, get spiritual practices you can start using today to live a more peaceful, wisdom-filled life without suffering. Yes, you read that right – how to take suffering and pain out of your life!
  • How to take heartache and hardship to turn your life around. How to use soul-crushing, painful events to propel your life to one filled with happiness, love and new beginnings.

Vishnu takes you through his own personal journey of heartache and hardship to show you how he too had become frustrated with his experience and relationship with God. He felt like God wasn’t listening. Vishnu will share with you his discoveries and insights which helped change his relationship with God and transform his life in the process.

This books hopes to bring peace, strength and inner-wisdom into your life. It will help you rethink your relationship with God and be more at peace with yourself.

What do the critics have to say?

Is God Listening? is a book that radical Buddhists and fundamentalist Christians can agree on: irreverent and blasphemous. “Don’t waste on your time on this book. Vishnu is NOT funny.

Is God Listening? is a book that the Vatican took the time to FedEx back to the author with this note: “No point in repenting; you’re going to hell.

Is God Listening? is a book that the Dalai Lama pulled the “I can’t read English” card on. And Deepak Chopra is reported to have used all seven of his spiritual laws to avoid jamming this book down his shredder.

Well, folks that probably didn’t help so it’s up to you now. If you’re looking for a personal story of a spiritual-traveler like yourself and want to share in his journey to understanding the Big Guy and figuring out how to deal with life’s overwhelming challenges, this is your book.

There’s no fancy offers here or bonuses for me to clean your house and wash your car.

Buy the book for the price of one slice of pizza and soda. Your support means I can keep writing for you.

Enjoy friends!. Click below to purchase Is God Listening, before we run out ( ** joke **)

Get yours today before the Vatican or Chopra’s people try to shut us down.