by Katie | May 13, 2020 | Gratitude, Letting Go, Love and Relationships, Overcoming Challenges, Self Love
The final step in letting go and moving on is the most difficult.
I was stuck in the step for much too long, reading Vishnu’s blog and trying to do the letting go and moving on work.
Everything I read made sense from day one. I knew what I should be doing but I too was stuck in the last stage of letting go. Time made little difference either for moving on.
If you asked me what got me to finally move, I just got so sick of being stuck and things not changing in my life. I realized he hurt me then, but I was the one keeping myself stuck in it. He had moved on and I hadn’t. I came to understand that I was the only person who could change things.
I realized that I was so busy being stuck in the past and missing it, I hadn’t acknowledged that I actually didn’t want to be with him in the present, or the future. That was a big light bulb moment. I was ruminating and reminiscing in the past that I enjoyed but I fully came to accept that I didn’t want him now or in the future! That was what helped me finally in the letting go and moving on.
These are the final steps that helped me end this letting go and moving on journey.
The final step to letting go and moving on
1. Self Love.
Honestly, it had a lot to do with self-love.
I started with self-love because it felt hugely uncomfortable and that meant it needed addressing.
Because I’d read every self-help book going and nothing had shifted and I realized that while it was all great advice the real truth for me, and all of us, lies within, because we are all unique and we all know our own truth, we just have to listen to it.
Once I started loving and investing in myself, I knew that I deserved better. Better than someone who left me and also better than the life I was leading, where I was stuck and miserable and going nowhere. I got sick of living in that place.
I realized he hurt me at the time, but I was hurting myself now and I had a choice and only I had the power to make that stop.
So, I invested the love I had for him and our relationship, in myself.
I started to stop being horrible to myself and to treat myself as my own best friend and constantly asked myself if my thoughts and wallowing were helpful to me and the answer was always no.
2. Looking forward.
I realized that I hated the present as I was stuck in the past. I realized to change my present I had to start looking forwards instead of back at the past. I was stuck in old habits so I simply forced myself to stop whenever my head went back to the past.
I made my head visualize a ‘best’ future, instead of always going back to the past.
I got an app for positive affirmation reminders.
I wrote a closure letter with everything I wanted to say to him and burnt it and I also wrote about our relationship from a different perspective and without the rose-tinted glasses on.
3. Gratitude
I had been so stuck feeling I was lacking without him, that I didn’t see any of the reasons I had to be grateful. There was a lot and I made a conscious effort to notice and acknowledge them repeatedly.
I spent so long thinking that a life without him was a loss, my loss, but gratitude showed me a new way of thinking.
What if it was actually his loss and not mine? He’d lost someone loyal, committed and he’d lost me, the person I was beginning to recognize as worthy, from all that self-loving I’d begun.
The reality was I’d lost a man who walked away, who (wrongly) accused me of cheating, who disappeared and walked out on our long term relationship with barely a backward glance. That’s not a loss, that’s again, a lucky escape and the universe guiding me towards something better.
Another light-bulb moment, this wasn’t something to be sad about, it was something else to be grateful for and a huge factor in me finally letting go and moving on.
In tandem with the beginnings of feeling better about myself, I genuinely had no time for being stuck and miserable anymore. I had no desire to be with a man who left me and hurt me and feeling this meant it, finally, didn’t hurt so badly anymore.
I now want more for myself.
4. Finding your own happiness
I realized I hurt so very badly over our break up because I’d put all my happiness in his pocket.
Ultimately, our happiness has to be in our own pocket (a partner is lovely, but it’s an added bonus) and the only way we can achieve that is through self-love like I mentioned above.
When you cultivate self-love, it then breeds self-respect and boundaries and then you realize that you no longer want a person who caused you pain and turned their back on you and walked away.
Acknowledge that if you had to write a list of attributes you’d like, and you truly deserve, in a partner, your ex wouldn’t even make it to a date, let alone putting your life on hold for and being constantly miserable over.
All these things make you finally realize that you just have a small scar and not an open wound anymore 🙂
After cultivating self-love, gratitude, seeing the future, and finding my own happiness, I was able to let go. I’m here to tell you that letting go and moving on is possible and I say that as someone who was stuck for a long time and never believed it was actually possible for her.
My message to everyone reading is simply: take all the advice you can get from others (definitely read Vishnu’s blog) and take comfort in that you’re not alone, or weak, for how you feel, but also look within and trust that you already have all the answers you need.
Most importantly, even though it’s the last thing you feel like doing when your heart is broken, love and invest in yourself, and one day it will stop feeling ridiculous and become the reason you finally let go.
Katie is a long-time UK reader who has let go and moved on with her life. She is still single, but finally open to the possibility (but not necessity) of finding love again. She is currently thriving in a new career, which never would have been possible without either the heartbreak or taking that final step in letting go and moving on.
by Vishnu | Apr 20, 2020 | Divorce, Love and Relationships, Overcoming Challenges
I feel Deja Vu.
I hate to say this, friends, but I really am doing well under the circumstances.
This feels too similar to the uncertainty I had in my love life.
I was supposed to be a nomad in 2020, traveling the world and working. All was going well until COVID struck Malaysia in force in February.
I was visiting Malaysia, where my family lives when the government decided that a lockdown and country-wide shutdown was necessary.
This then led to a once in a lifetime opportunity to spend some quality time with the parents, which I have never done in my adult life.
What a fascinating (and by that, I mean, thrilling) time it’s been.
I would love to share my Dad’s astrological predictions according to Indian astrologers about when Corona will end or my Mom’s take on what started the pandemic (she’s vacillating between the deep state and a Chinese lab experiment gone wrong).
God, send help if you’re reading.
Anyway, some of this seems unfamiliar since I’ve never lived through a pandemic and lockdown. Yet so much of this feels oddly familiar.
It’s odd to say this out loud but I feel like I can do pandemics that feel like the world is ending.
I feel like I can do self-isolation, social distancing and lockdown like a seasoned veteran.
As a matter of fact, almost a decade ago, this is basically how I spent my life.
For nearly a year after my divorce, I pretty much stayed home, cried and watched Joel Osteen and Oprah on Sunday mornings. I went to work occasionally and to yoga class weekly. Other than that, I didn’t speak to a single person I knew.
Indian families, like mine, didn’t understand or support divorces. I was the first in my family.
I was so embarrassed, ashamed and felt like a failure that I didn’t feel like talking to friends either.
I was in my own self-quarantine of grief.
Once you’ve gone through something like this before, a pandemic is something you can do in your sleep.
I can crush this pandemic like the divorce that crushed me.
What I am coming to see is that there is going to be a lot of uncertainty in the world after this event is over.
What will happen to our daily lives?
The places we live in?
The world as we know it?
I have no idea about these things but I do have some idea about how to deal with uncertain times in our love lives.
For example, in your life, you may be experiencing uncertainty of some sort.
Should you stay in the marriage?
Should you leave?
Should you move on?
Should you meet someone new?
You may be in many different places with your partner or spouse. You may be feeling uncertain and stressed during these pandemic times about your love life.
How do you cope? How do you move forward?
How do you deal with the uncertainty you‘re facing in your love life?
Here are 4 ideas to help you deal with uncertainty in your love life.
Call on your intuition.
Yes, you know what you want and you know what’s right for you.
All you have to do is listen to yourself.
Whenever I coach people, I love to listen to them because I hear the deepest insights and nuggets of gold.
They seem to have the most insurmountable problems but when I ask them a simple question, they have an abundance of insight and wisdom.
Call on presence.
The past and future don’t exist in reality.
We want answers for the future and explanations for the past.
No matter how many times my Dad cites astrologers to explain when Corona is going to end, I don’t seem to buy it.
We don’t know about the past or future but we do know what’s happening now.
Check in with yourself at this moment and just live for right now.
Drop the past and future from your mind.
Call on surrender
You don’t need to over-think the solutions.
The universe will move you to the answer.
And no I’m not drinking a coconut pina colada or a Jungle Bird at the moment either.
You don’t need all the answers you think you need.
Let life take its course.
When the time comes, you will know what you need to.
Thinking, planning and analyzing won’t change things.
Clinging and holding on won’t change things.
Control and demanding things of life won’t change things.
Call on faith.
Faith in what, you might ask?
How about yourself?
Yes, you. You got this. You always have.
You always come through and have overcame.
You’re still standing no matter what life has thrown at you.
You are the light you have been waiting for.
Also, call on the idea that everything works in your favor.
I thought that my life was done for and it was time to become a hermit in the Himalayas.
I kept going though and became a writer and coach.
Then I went to Bali because… Elizabeth Gilbert, who else.
Then I met this amazing Indonesian woman. Then I fell madly fell in love with her in the time of quarantine.
Oh wait, story for another day.
Let’s get back to you.
You got this.
Everything is working in your favor.
You specialize in uncertainty.
You have inner wisdom.
You have this moment.
Know the universe has your back.
Don’t talk with your conspiracy-minded Mom or astrologically-oriented, Dad.
You got this, friends.
p.s. And of course, if you still feel like your love life is more chaotic than the pandemic, I’m here. If you can use some direction, guidance or coaching, reply to this email or fill out this form.
by Vishnu | Apr 1, 2019 | Love and Relationships, Overcoming Challenges, Self Love
Is love after a breakup even possible?
After a serious and committed relationship ends, you begin to have weird thoughts swirling through your mind about the future.
First comes the hurt and the pain of having gone through a breakup.
Then comes the blame towards yourself, your ex and others that caused the breakup.
Finally, comes the sad and lonely thoughts about your future, along with your fears that you will never love again after a breakup.
I can personally attest to many of these common beliefs that came in and out of my life after my divorce.
I think the belief that I held about the future was that I would be alone again for the rest of my life and that no one would ever love me again.
It’s at points like that you begin to ask yourself what’s the point of living and what’s the point of life?
Thankfully, I’ve come a long way since then.
I realize that many of the beliefs that I developed post-breakup came from a place of grief yet it took me years to overcome them.
Our mind has a way of playing tricks on us and leading us to dramatic and untrue spaces of thought.
Here are some of the most common beliefs that went through my mind as I thought about finding love after a breakup.
These might be thoughts that are whirling around your mind too.
Please read, reflect and let me know which ones resonate the most with you.
All you have to do is hit reply to this email and fill me in.
Of course, if you’re not on the email list, please get on it!
10 Common Beliefs About Love After a Breakup
1. I will never find love again and be alone forever.
Just because one person ended the relationship with you, you believe that you won’t find someone and be alone the rest of your life.
You think love will pass you by and you’ll spend the rest of your life by yourself, withering away into oblivion and dying a peaceful death surrounded by loyal furry friends.
2. No one will like me or love me again.
Since your ex didn’t like you and fell out of love in you, you believe the other 7 billion people in the world are also going to dismiss you for the terrible person you are.
Love only happens once in your life. It happened. Now, it’s over and you will be living in solitude for several more decades.
You had your one shot at love and it didn’t work out.
3. No one will accept me once they see the real me.
You got to know someone, spend years with them and were in a relationship with them.
Since you believe that something is wrong with you and you scared your ex away, you believe that you will scare everyone else away too.
Once people get to know the real you, they will run for the hills.
There is something permanently damaged about you that no one can accept you for who you are once they get to know you.
4. I am permanently broken
Once again, your relationship ending with your ex will help you see that you have issues. Serious ones that you developed since a child or through other life trauma.
You’ll realize that you’re permanently broken or there is something so flawed with you that no one will want you ever again.
This is not a temporary condition. You were cursed from birth to be broken and unlovable.
Well…there’s always the next life.
5. There are no good people out there.
You take all your previous relationships and all of your recent bad dates to conclude there is absolutely no good people out there.
Everyone is a deadbeat, a dud or a deadbeat dud.
Why even bother dating when people are bad, unavailable, uninterested, boring, evil…
6. I will repeat the mistakes of the past.
You made many mistakes in this past relationship which you hold yourself solely responsible for.
You ruined a perfectly good relationship with a perfectly good person.
You feel like you’re an immature, unworthy, cruel person who causes massive pain and hurt to the people they love.
7. I will choose the wrong person again
You made a mistake in choosing your previous partner. You are pretty much guaranteed to pick someone just as bad the next time around.
Since you did such a poor choice of choosing someone compatible, you believe that you’re going to draw someone into your life who’s just as lousy and bad for you.
8. If I don’t know myself, how could I know what I want in a partner?
After the tsunami of a breakup, you have lost a sense of self, a sense of purpose and a sense of being.
You don’t even know who you are and what you want out of you life.
You’re so lost, how could you possibly be clear on who you’re looking for in a partner?
9. I don’t want go through heartbreak again.
You’ve been through it once and it was more unpleasant than a visit to the dentist.
You cried in bed for months, never went out in public and felt like digging a deep hole and hiding out in it for years.
You’ve experienced serious heartbreak and similar to heart attacks and getting your wisdom teeth pulled, once is enough.
10. I don’t want to feel unworthy again.
Your ex made you feel terrible about yourself.
They made you question your self-worth and your confidence.
You felt so terrible about yourself as a person that you would never let anyone do this to you again by having another love after a breakup.
So you’re going to have super-high walls around your heart and make sure that getting to your heart is going to be 80 times harder than getting tickets to the next Hamilton show.
You would rather push people away, hide from people and make people angry at you than allowing someone to get close enough to you to make you feel unworthy.
To find love after a breakup, pick up my book, Love After Heartbreak, here.
Which of these beliefs most resonate with you? I would like to hear from you via email about your own experiences, thoughts and beliefs after a breakup.
by Vishnu | Jan 21, 2019 | Love and Relationships, Mindset, Overcoming Challenges
Just because your love ended doesn’t mean your love life has to.
You may have gone through a bad breakup, like I did.
The breakup may have knocked you down so hard, you think all
kinds of unhealthy thoughts.
When my marriage ended, one of the big thoughts that
swirled around my head was that no one would ever want me again.
It wasn’t just that thought.
When you’re the one who doesn’t want the breakup, you put
an inordinate amount of blame on yourself.
You believe you did something wrong and that you’re not
good enough.
You build toxic thoughts in your mind about all the things that are wrong with you.
You begin to believe that you’ll be alone and no one will
ever love you again.
You begin to believe there’s no one out there for you.
You begin to believe that you were meant to live a
solitary life of singlehood.
You turn into a ghost of a person who floats around your
life, believing no one’s out there for you.
I want to take this moment to snap you out of this
ghostly midnight stroll.
If you would rather be alone and don’t want a partner, no
judgment here. I have nothing more to say.
But if you’re reading this and you want a partner in your
life, I want you to keep a few things in mind.
* Your beliefs about relationships and partners will have an inordinate impact on your ability to find one.
* Your subconscious beliefs about relationships and partners will have an undue influence on your ability to find one.
* Your thoughts and feelings on relationships will weigh heavily on your ability to find a new one.
When I thought I would be alone and would never find a
partner, I was right.
When I decided that I was tired of being alone and wanted a partner, I was right too.
Life, courtesy of the universe, brings you what you’re thinking and feeling.
You want a partner but underlying this idea are thoughts,
beliefs, feelings and subconscious blocks preventing you from finding one.
To find a person you want to spend your life with, work
on shedding these underlying gremlins.
Remember, what you think about, you bring about.
Your inner emotions shape the world around you.
Your beliefs create your reality.
Ready to start creating a new reality for yourself today? Ready to start loving anew?
Pick up my book Does True Love Exist to give you some encouragement to find love at the Amazon store today.
by Sharilee Swaity | May 2, 2017 | Love and Relationships, Overcoming Challenges
When my husband walked out the door and never came back, I thought I would never love again. I was 22 years old and believed that marriage was forever.
How could I even think of loving anyone else when I was sure I would never stop loving him?
About three months later, I met a man. He was nice and sweet, and we seemed to have a lot in common but something was off.
I never would have admitted it at the time but really, I used this man to help me forget my pain. I had nothing to give him but my brokenness. It was a rebound relationship. We dated on and off for three years but I could never commit like he wanted me to.
As much as I tried to make things work with this new individual, there was no way I could. I just wasn’t ready. I needed to heal.
There is something about divorce or a serious breakup that makes a person feel helpless, hopeless, defenceless. The person that you gave everything to: your secrets, your body and years of your life, has rejected you. There is no greater rejection.
You need to heal and you need to grieve before you can genuinely be there for another person. For me, it took ten years before I was truly ready to marry again and give myself fully to another person.
It won’t take everyone this long but we do need to heal before we are ready to enter something new, and give it our best. During the ten years between marriages, I was in two major relationships, both of which did not work out.
For one of those relationships, I couldn’t commit. For the other relationship, I chose someone who was very deceptive and unfaithful.
One reason it is so important to heal is because if you are not emotionally healthy, you can either hurt others (like I did in the first relationship) or be hurt badly by choosing someone inappropriate (like my second relationship.)
If you have recently gone through heartbreak, there are three things you need to rebuild as a newly single person to help you heal and become whole again.
1. Cultivate your strength.
When you were in a long-term relationship, you think yourself as part of a couple. The two of you made plans together, visited together, went out for dinner together.
Other people start to think of you as part of a couple, too. Instead of just being “Sally,” you are always known as “Sally and Joe.”
You are interdependent on another. This is not a bad thing – it is a healthy part of being a couple. When it all ends, however, that unity is torn apart and you are left feeling jagged and torn, like a part of you is missing.”
But through this process, if you allow yourself, you will discover something wonderful: you are stronger than you ever thought. If you quietly listen, you will feel a hidden strength that is emerging from having to endure this terrible crisis.
There is a voice from deep within that whispers: “You will survive. You will endure.”
That feeling that you are going to fall apart and die is powerful but it is only a feeling. The truth is that you are getting stronger. In fact, even when you are still heartbroken, still devastated, you will find that you can do far more than you thought possible.
2. Use your difficult emotions as motivation
When you go through a very painful breakup, you have a lot of mixed emotions. Part of you wants to curl up in a ball and never leave the comfort of your bedroom. Another part of you feels a sense of burning indignation at the betrayal and treachery you experienced.
This anger is part of the grieving process but it also has a good side because it can mobilize you to start something new, to forge forward. It can give you the energy to be able to move on.
After my second post-divorce relationship breakup, I was so depressed that it was hard to function. For many months, I felt no anger – just sadness. I was so sad that it was difficult to get through a work day or to have a conversation with anyone.
One evening, I was visiting with a lady who was also going through a separation and moving to a new province. She told me, “You have to get in touch with your anger. It’s there but you are just hiding it with this depression. Think about what this man did to you. It should get you angry and you need that anger to move on, to get yourself motivated.”
It took a long time for her words to sink in but she was right. I stayed depressed for a few more months but then I was finally able to get in touch with my anger.
When I did, I was really angry, and it scared me. I did not like to think of myself as an angry person but it was a necessary part of the grieving process. During that angry phase, I started to think about the future.
I was working an entry-level job at the time because I thought that was all I could handle with my depression. I started to reassess my skills and knew that I needed to get back into teaching, my previous career.
I started sending out resumes and within a month, had a new job teaching High School English. I had to travel 1000 miles away to get there but what kept me motivated and strong was knowing that I had survived this breakup and therefore, I could handle this new situation.
If you have just recently survived a breakup and are feeling angry, think about how you can use your anger for something good and productive.
Maybe you can pursue a goal you left behind during the relationship, like school or a new career. Maybe you want to renew old friendships that you neglected while being with your former partner.
You are in transition right now. You have survived this experience. If you are angry, take advantage of the energy your anger gives you to pursue your dreams again.
3. Rebuild your self-worth
After a divorce or serious breakup, you must rediscover, or even discover for the first time, your worth as a human being. You are worthy, no matter who does or doesn’t decide to be with you.
Growing up, I was not affirmed by my father. In fact, his anger often led to him yelling at his family and controlling our every action. Around my father, I always felt on edge and unsure of my worth. Without the affirmation of the male figure in my life, I looked for it from other men.
If you look to a romantic partner to affirm who you are, you are in trouble because you are putting the power in their hands for whether we feel good about yourself. If your man loves you, you are happy. When that same man doesn’t love you anymore, you are devastated.
Although relationships can be wonderful, they do not determine your worth. A single person is not worth less than a married person.
You are of extreme worth right now, just as you are.
Don’t look for another man to prove it to you.
One way to rediscover your worth is to rediscover your gifts. You have gifts and talents that no one else has that are needed in this world. Think back to who you were, before you entered this relationship.
Did you give up a dream, a passion? Use this time of newly-found singlehood to renew a dream or passion that was left on the back burner.
When I went to that teaching job far up North, being in the classroom energized me. I was teaching English literature, my passion. I absolutely loved leading the students in discussions and building into their lives.
The thoughts of this man were still there, sometimes at night, but they started to fade because I was so consumed with doing my best at the tasks that were in front of me.
If you are struggling with being unable to focus on anything but your ex-partner, right now, remember who you were before – that person is still there. Do something to move towards becoming more of the person you were meant to be.
To conclude, there are three things you need to find again after a breakup. You need to find your strength again. You need to get back your motivation, and you need to rediscover (or discover for the first time) your self-worth.
Sharilee Swaity and her husband live in the woods of Central Canada. She has just written her first book, Second Marriage: An Insider’s Guide to Hope, Healing and Love. Pick up her book on Amazon here (free for 48 hours). You can also keep up with her writing on her blog, Second Marriage, here.
by Vishnu | Apr 3, 2017 | Love and Relationships, Overcoming Challenges
It’s not as easy as you think.
Everyone and their mother – and, for sure, all Indian mothers – would tell you this is a no-brainer.
Of course you’re going to stay in this relationship – no matter how suicidal you are.
The East would say, “Listen to your head and do what feels practical and takes everyone else’s happiness into account. Don’t kill your family by being so selfish and thinking only about yourself.”
Yet, in America and much of the Western world, which values individual happiness, this isn’t going to fly.
In these parts, we hold happiness to be paramount.
Relationships are dynamic here. If they don’t work, they end. People move on in search of other people who will make them happy.
The West would say, “Listen to your soul and do what feels right. Don’t kill yourself by hiding from the truth.”
Culturally, different parts of the world would answer this question differently.
I’m not going to refer to any cultural norm. Instead, I’m going to encourage you to consider these 7 questions instead.
If you’re in an unhappy relationship and feel stuck, here are 7 questions to consider.
1. Does hope exist for improvement?
Is there something that you haven’t tried?
Being realistic, can your relationship improve?
I’m not asking you to hold onto an impossible dream based on delusional thinking.
I’m asking you to inspect your relationship to see if you, your partner or any circumstance can change for the better?
Is there a chance for change, a new beginning, or either of you showing up differently?
2.Can either of you change?
Now, in part, this is a trick question because you might think the problem is your partner.
“If he only changed, things would be different,” you’re thinking to yourself. More than likely it is him but it’s also you.
The big difference between him and you is that you can’t control him or how he shows up in the relationship.
So really, the only question is, can you change?
Are you willing to change?
Are you willing to do what it takes to make the relationship work, even if you aren’t the problem?
3.Do you value other people’s happiness more or less than yourself?
This is not a trick question. Many people answer this question differently, and different cultures may have different answers.
I don’t think there’s a right answer. Your society and your culture might be telling you to do one thing but you might personally have a different value system.
If you value maintaining the status quo and keeping others in your life happy, you might have to stay in a dysfunctional relationship.
If you value yourself and your personal happiness, it might be time to call it quits.
4.What is the worst that can happen if this relationship ended?
Think about your situation and imagine the worst case scenario occurred.
Your marriage ended.
Think about all the people you would disappoint, sadden and anger.
Visualize your entire life falling apart, like the rug is being pulled out from under you.
Everything crumbles and your world, as you know it, no longer exists.
Now what?
Can you envision this space? Are you still breathing? Are you “okay” here?
Check in with your body and yourself to see if you can be in this space.
5.Could you tolerate unhappiness in this relationship and find happiness in other parts of your life?
If you are going to stay in an unhappy relationship, then what else can you focus your time and energy on?
I know this isn’t ideal but it is practical.
What else can keep you going? Your kids? Your dreams? Your career?
What else can bring you joy? Your spiritual practice, being in the moment, friendships or travel?
6.Are you willing to work on the relationship?
“Working on the relationship” doesn’t mean that suddenly either of you change and become different people.
“Working on the relationship” means not falling to your default behavior and doing what you would usually do.
It’s handling situations differently.
It’s communicating with each other.
It’s respecting each other.
It’s spending time with each other.
At the tail end of a relationship that is falling apart, these are all the things that you don’t really want to do. So, are you willing to do it?
Are you willing to work on the relationship when your partner is absent, uninterested or unwilling?
7.How much would you regret this relationship in 10, 20 or 30 years?
Think down the road and imagine having survived this relationship for a number of years into the future.
You could take it as far as your deathbed.
Can you see yourself having survived this relationship?
Can you stomach the idea of having to stay put in a dysfunctional relationship for years of your life?
Can you find peace today if you decide to stay?
Seeing yourself in the future and imagining how it will be can give you clear answers about what to do today.
Staying in a bad relationship is never easy. Your values, circumstances and priorities are different from anyone else in the same situation.
Ultimately, you know what’s best for you and you’ve got to make a choice that you will live with the rest of your life.
Photo credit Unsplash