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Love Yourself After Heartbreak

by Vishnu

You might be looking for love after a heartbreak.

Once you start on that quest for love and a new relationship, you’ll realize that you can’t open your heart to others until you open it to yourself.

Yes, everything they say about self-love is true. You need to have a deep, committed and fulfilling relationship with yourself before you can love another person.

But how do you do this?

How do you love yourself when you have trouble loving another person?

After walking the journey back from heartbreak myself, I don’t have all the answers but I do have my answers.

I get a lot of similar questions from readers of my blog and I decided to write this book, Loving Yourself After Heartbreak for anyone who was having issues with self-worth and self-esteem after heartbreak.

Loving yourself shows up in so many ways in your life.

It’s not just what you think about yourself and how you treat yourself but it’s about boundaries, it’s about making peace with your past, it’s about grieving and forgiveness, letting go of resentments.

It’s how to live your life, how to surrender and how you find happiness.

I took a stab at answering 21 of the most common questions I receive about the topic of self-love. A few have to do with heart-break but most have to do with taking care of yourself, healing yourself and rebuilding your self-worth after heartbreak.

Here are the 21 questions I answer in the book, Love Yourself After Heartbreak:

Chapter 1: The benefits of loving yourself after heartbreak

Chapter 2: How do you make peace with your past?

Chapter 3: How do you cope with the sadness and pain of a breakup?

Chapter 4: How do you overcome feelings of being “not good enough” or worthlessness?

Chapter 5: How do you overcome self-doubt?

Chapter 6: How do you stop the need for love and validation to feel good about yourself?

Chapter 7: How do you stop pleasing others?

Chapter 8: How do you find forgiveness when swimming in resentment?

Chapter 9: How do you let go of self-pity and victimhood?

Chapter 10: How do you stop judging and comparing yourself to others?

Chapter 11: How do you stop blaming yourself for the breakup?

Chapter 12: How do you deal with abandonment and loneliness?

Chapter 13: How do you deal with rejection?

Chapter 14: How do you deal with fear and worry of the future?

Chapter 15: How do you stop over-thinking everything?

Chapter 16: How do you let go of over-commitments and simplify your life?

Chapter 17: How do you find happiness within?

Chapter 18: How do you love when you’re afraid of love?

Chapter 19: How do you love someone when you have trouble loving yourself?

Chapter 20: How do you surrender and live more lightly?

Chapter 21: How do you love the next time around?

Are you ready for a self-love cleanse? Need specific strategies and tips to make big changes in your life?

The suggestions and tips in this book are practical and focused on helping you make real life changes so you show up in the world differently.

Ready? Pick up Love Yourself After Heartbreak here. It’s on sale this week for $.99.