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Make a Promise to a New Life

by Vishnu


Do you ever wonder if you’re being lied to by society?

Does it feel like you’re being hoodwinked to live a certain kind of life and it just doesn’t feel right to you?

I sure did and when my life fell apart after my divorce, I was able to wake up and come out my deep metaphorical coma.

I came to the profound realization that my whole life was premised on societal expectations. Everything from work and school to relationships and what I should be doing with my life was created by society’s demands.

This past year, I put all my thoughts about this topic into  a book called, Seven Sacred Promises.

Why do I call these promises sacred? What are these promises? What will living these promises mean to your life?

If you’d like to hear more about the book and my first podcast interview with my friend, A.G. Billig, check out the podcast below.

Pick up this book to learn how to build up courage, discover your calling, find your courage and live your truth. Read this book only if you’re ready to wake up and start living from a sacred space.

If you’re interested in reading the Seven Sacred Promises, you can pick up the e-book on Amazon here or pickup the paperback book here.