Weekly messages to help you start over in life


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Visualize Your Way to Love

Can visualizations actually work?

Can you meditate your way to love?

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and try out this 5 minute true love meditation for a week. Keep me posted on how it changes your life.

This true love visualization is a free gift for people who purchase my new book, Does True Love Exist? coming out on July 9th.

To my blog readers and subscribers, please find the video above. I hope it helps you on you path to finding your life partner.

Lookout for Does True Love Exist? in the Amazon store next week.

Wishes Fulfilled: Make Every Wish Come True

Wishes Fulfilled: Make Every Wish Come True

Wishes Fulfilled
“The greatest gift you were ever given was the gift of your imagination. Within your magical inner realm is the capacity to have all your wishes fulfilled.” Wayne Dyer

Every time I’ve gone after a dream, I’ve been filled with fears, doubts and uncertainty.

When I first started blogging or when I first released a book I wrote, I had no idea how it was going to turn out. In fact, I was bombarded with thoughts of fear and failure.

When you pursue any dream in your life, there will be this little voice in your head that doubts your dreams and tries to undermine your success. You know that voice I’m talking about.

It can be difficult to see your dreams through from creation to success, because of these self-sabotaging thoughts and mental patterns.

If you’re like me, you begin to think about how everything can go wrong.

You see obstacles, problems, procrastination and stumbling blocks.

You think you’re going to fail.

That’s where Wayne Dyer’s book, Wishes Fulfilled, came into my life, and helped me change the view of

It will single-handedly give you the tools you need to help you drown out the loud noises of self-doubt and go after your dreams.

The book starts with a reminder of who you are and how to first claim your divinity.

“Your higher self is a piece of an all-loving, all-embracing creative Source.”

If you’re cut out of the fabric of divinity, you’re part of a divine cloth.

Dyer encourages you to start from this place of divine knowledge and from a place of your spirit.

Experiment with such affirmations as, “I am all-knowing, I am all-powerful, I am unlimited.”

“Try this: imagine God as the ocean. If you take a bucket out of the ocean, is the water in the bucket the ocean?”

From this place of accepting your divine nature, you can materialize your every wish and desire.

Here are 5 steps that Wayne Dyer shares with us in Wishes Fulfilled to help you fulfill your wishes and make them come true.

1. Your sacred imagination

Your dreams and, more specifically, your imagination form a sacred space. This is not something you should deny or assume doesn’t exist anymore as it did during your childhood.

Try not to contaminate your imagination with negativity or the things you don’t want to materialize in your life. Do not allow disempowering ides of how your life used to be take up space in your imagination.

“Your imagination is your own fertile field for growing any seedling that you choose to plant for a future harvest.”

Don’t let your “reality” or how you see the world today govern your imagination. Imagine and mentally visualize where you want your life to be in the future.

2. Affirm your imagination

Rely on your inner spiritual guide and permit your thoughts to transform.

Be confident and persistent about what your mind can already see in the future.

Use empowering “I am” affirmations.

Affirm, “I am love”.

“I am happiness.”

“I am prosperous.”

“Be fearless, and let those ideals be your reality.”

3. Feel your new reality

“Make your future dream a personal fact, by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled.”

Dyer suggests that knowing something spiritually is experiencing it – feeling it.

“By literally feeling the reality of the state you seek, which is firmly in your imagination, you have the means of creating miracles,” Dyer writes.

He cites Neville Goddard from the Feeling is the Secret, “a change of feeling is a change of destiny.”

Your feelings affect your subconscious mind, and what you feel is what manifests in your life.

You can choose where to focus your attention and what feelings to feel.

You can choose to feel good regardless of the problems and challenges you see in your life.

“Don’t dwell on your troubles, difficulties or illnesses.”

Instead, “feel the feeling of love in your body directed at what you place in your imagination as an idea, and then you activate the subconscious mind.”

4. Intention and attention

What you focus on and pay attention to materializes.

You never allow your outer circumstances to deflect you from your desires.”

Instead of focusing on the results and the current circumstances of your life, focus on your dreams and desires. Stay true to the vision you have for your life and what you believe is possible for you.

Have trust and faith that your dreams and desires will come true, no matter what the outside circumstances appear to be.

Use superglue to attach your intentions to your imagination.

Manifesting your wishes is a spiritual process. To stay true to your life’s dreams, you’ll have to ignore facts, logic, past experiences and even your day-to-day reality.

5. Wake up (in your sleep)

Use sleep as a way to propel what you’re envisioning and to make your dreams materialize.

You can reprogram your subconscious mind by changing what you think about before going to bed.

Be mindful of the thoughts that are floating through your mind.

Stay positive, hopeful and confident about your wishes and dreams, especially before you snooze. Feel peace; right before you fall asleep, visualize and assume that your dreams have already come true.

Allow your pre-sleep ritual to reprogram your mind so that you’ll fall asleep imagining your dreams coming true.

It’s time to let go of what has happened and what your current life looks like.

Dyer encourages you to transform your life by escaping reality and staying true to the unlimited possibilities in your imagination.

Embrace your divine nature and allow everything to manifest from this soulful place.

“Seek divine wealth, not the paltry tinsel of earth. After acquiring inward treasures you will find that outward supply is always forthcoming.” Srimati Kashi Moni, Autobiography of a Yogi

To pick up a copy of Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting, click here.

Breakthrough Your Money Blocks: 10 Ways to Create More Abundance in Your Life

Breakthrough Your Money Blocks: 10 Ways to Create More Abundance in Your Life


I remember one Christmas when I was growing up and wanted a big box of Legos.

I’m not talking about one of those tiny sets that would build a castle; I’m talking about the whole enchilada—an entire kingdom. This was a giant Lego box that I, along with my brothers, deeply desired, but all December I remained uncertain as to whether or not I would be gifted this luxury.

I remember that, during the weeks leading up to Christmas, I was filled with anxiety. I remember having discussions with my parents about the box’s cost. My Indian parents reminded me that the Lego set was a big sacrifice and financial commitment on their part.

Christmas day came and, ultimately, my brothers and I received the Lego set we wanted—but it was after much anxiety and uncertainty.

A couple of other incidents in my childhood had similar lasting impacts. One was the constant talk in my family about money and whether or not various things were affordable. I’m sure this is a conversation that occurs in every household, but the predominant thought in my family regarding every purchase was, “Can we afford it?”

I guess the incidents that stood out the most, and that were the most embarrassing, for me involved school projects and field trips that families had to pay for. I recall that, regardless of the field trip or event, my parents would inquire whether a fee reduction or scholarship of some sort was available.

Now, let me say three things here.

One, many of these behaviors could have been cultural—Indian people hate to pay full price for anything. It’s why they have a love/hate relationship with America. Their earning capacities are high, and they constitute one of the wealthiest communities out there, but they can’t fathom paying full price for anything.

In the motherland, we bargain, negotiate, plead, and coerce shopkeepers, dentists, and even auto drivers to give us the best possible prices.

Two, as immigrants to the United States and operators of a new business, my parents were doing something inherently risky. Having invested their lives’ assets into a small family business was nerve-wracking. Being in a new country like the United States, running a business, and managing a family’s finances was hard work.

What I’m saying is that my parents were certainly in a financial crunch and that the money issues our family faced were likely real.

Since graduating from law school, I’ve run my own businesses in the United States and know the highly unpredictable nature of business. Until the next client comes along, you never know whether you can meet your monthly expenses or hit your bottom line.

Three, I want to say that although I don’t blame my parents for the rocky financial situation I faced during childhood, I do think it affected me. When you’re constantly being told that your family doesn’t have enough, or that it’s unclear whether your family can meet simple expenses, you end up with fearful attitudes about money and constantly feel as though you don’t have enough.

The money-related anxiety and fear that our parents instill in us can damage us financially for life.

When you want to live a richer life, you forget about the underlying subconscious script playing at the back of your mind. You don’t realize that your entire outlook and ability to earn is being held back by your beliefs and blocks about money.

Simply put: You can’t invite more money into your life until you change your beliefs and subconscious thoughts about money.

You can read all the blogs, books, and magazine articles in the world, but your money situation is not going to change until you address the underlying beliefs about it.

If you’ve grown up in a household that was tight about finances (and I’ll just say any Indian or Asian household), you likely have certain beliefs about money that are not based on reality but, instead, are based on traditions or mindsets cultivated over generations.

Some common false beliefs about money include:

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  • You have to work very hard for money.
  • You can either be happy or rich.
  • Earning money is a struggle.
  • Money is scarce and difficult to accumulate.
  • More money, more problems.
  • You’re not a good person if you’re rich.
  • The more money you have, the more snobbish you are.
  • You need to save up your money for a long time to be wealthy.

You get the idea.

You have, I have, we all have been inundated with these limiting beliefs about money. Many of us have taken these beliefs to heart and have allowed them to shape our views of the world.

So when you’re struggling with money issues or having difficulty making ends meet, you must attack the root cause of your problems—your money mindset.

You have very deep, subconscious, and psychological fears about money.

Would it be fair to call this an emotional money trauma?

When you grow up without enough food to eat, you’re likely to feel that you might run out of food.

It’s the same with love. When you don’t have enough love as a child, you’ll tend to feel rejected and abandoned throughout your life.

Ditto with money. When you struggle with money during your formative years, you’ll have some deep emotional wounds and, consequently, believe you’ll never have enough of it.

Forget about making money for now. There are plenty of programs, methods, and people out there who will tell you how to earn more money.

It’s not your bank account you should be concerned with, but your money mindset.

Let’s get to the root issues surrounding money.

Here are 10 strategies that can help you shift your thoughts about money and help you live a richer life.

1. Visualize your abundance.

Instead of thinking about what you don’t have and what you’re lacking, think about what you want in your life. What does abundance feel like to you?

What would it feel like to not worry about money? Where would you live? What would you do with your time? What would you buy?

Have you ever experienced a period of abundance in your life? How would you walk? How would you breathe? Imagine and stay in a place of abundance instead of a place of lack.

Use positive visualizations to imagine having enough. Imagine whatever it is your heart desires. What would make you feel abundant?

Get creative and picture an abundant life in your mind. Some people create vision boards that portray a visually compelling picture of an abundant life. But you can just as effectively visualize a picture of a rich life.

2. Embrace the positive vibrations.  

How do you embrace the vibrations of joy and gratitude when you feel neither? Well, here’s the thing—you gotta start cultivating these feelings in your life.

You have small moments of joy every day. Capture it, cultivate it, and create more of it. Actively schedule activities that bring you absolute joy. Try to refrain from those activities that make you feel horrible about yourself.

Put yourself in high-vibrational places where you’re emitting positive energy.

If hanging out with your high-achieving sister who works at Goldman Sachs and who has two kids and the perfect house makes you feel like a loser, spend less time with your sister!

If your daily yoga class or workout makes you feel good about yourself and brings joy into your life, make sure those activities are on your calendar.

Fight for your joyous activities every day. Do things that bring you pleasure (unless they require a bottle of Crown Royal or could get you arrested).

3. Immerse yourself in a little luxury.

I hate luxurious things; it probably doesn’t help for me to write that here.

I grew up wanting to do something that would help a lot of people, serve others, and create a more just world. I practiced law to balance the scales of justice for some of the most vulnerable people in society. I worked as a union organizer to give workers a voice and to help them stand up to corporations.

While it’s understandable that I’m not comfortable surrounded by luxury, I’ve tried to reverse that trend by putting myself in luxurious places. I’ve walked through and hung out in the lobbies of the fanciest hotels in the world. I’ve embraced the experience of going to conferences where I was put up in nice hotels. I’ve volunteered to take rides in fancy cars.

I’ve spent days at nice beach resorts and even eaten at a handful of fancy restaurants, all in an effort to help myself get comfortable with luxurious places. In the process, I’ve dealt with my own resistance and uncomfortableness. I’m trying to embrace luxury so I will stop resisting it.

Similarly, I encourage you to take a couple of actions this week. Go to places where you normally wouldn’t go. Have coffee and dessert at a fancy restaurant. Walk through a place like Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, Fifth Avenue in New York City, or the Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore.

4. Role play (seriously!)

What kind of abundance do you want in your life? Travel? Wealth? Better relationships? The man of your dreams? More excitement? Enjoyment? A more exotic city to live in?

Whatever it is you seek, try playing that role. What do I mean by this?

Take a trip to the city where you want to live. Dress up in the clothes you would wear if you had an abundant life.

Have a meal at a nicer restaurant. Attend plays at artsy theaters.

If you can upgrade your hotel room, your rental car, or the meal you ordered, go for it. Do those things you would do if money was not an object.

Live up your life a little and try to do those things that you would do if you had all the money you wanted.

You don’t have to spend exorbitant amounts of money either; look for free events and opportunities. Rent cars or clothes to help you feel more abundant.

Essentially, set yourself up in situations and play roles that help you feel more abundant.

5. Give affirmations a try.

I’ve not talked much about affirmations here, but they have helped myself and others. My friend, Farnoosh, talks about how affirmations were critical to changing her mindset and helping her become an entrepreneur.

In this post, Farnoosh not only provides examples of affirmations you can use, but also offers a one-minute affirmation video.

Here are some wealth affirmations from Jonathan Parker you can use as well.

If your mind is filled with negativity and thoughts of lack, repeat affirmations regularly to shift your mindset to more positivity and abundance.

Keep a list of your affirmations on your refrigerator, bathroom mirror, or steering wheel so you’ll have a continual reminder of them.

If you would like to create more abundance in your life, you can also try a meditation. This 10-minute meditation by Lilou is one I’ve found effective:

6. Tap your way to abundance.

I don’t quite know why tapping works, but I have found that it creates a state of abundance in my life.

It’s based on ancient teachings and acupuncture points on your body. You tap these various designated points and repeat affirmations of healing and positivity toward your money blocks.

Again, weird as heck, but what you’re doing is tapping into your unconscious mind patterns and breaking through subconsciously to clear your money blocks.

Try to do this when no one’s around because if anyone is watching you, he or she might call the local mental health clinic to wheel you away.

Videos I regularly use include these two by former Harvard lawyer Erika Awakening and certified hypnotherapist Brad Yates.

7. Continually acknowledge abundance.

When good things show up in our lives, we tend to ignore them.

Instead of doing this, take a moment to celebrate the synchronicities that show up in your life. These are coincidences and blessings.

Get serious about showing appreciation for the small things.

Be grateful for your car and for the money you use to buy gas. Be thankful to your boss who lets you go home early. Be grateful to the client who pays off his or her bills, or the patient who brings you a fancy box of Cadbury’s chocolates.

Every night, write a list of 10 to 20 items you’re thankful for. Your family counts, your pets count, your annoying neighbors moving out from the next-door apartment counts, and so does the lunch your best friend treated you to.

8. Dress better 

Get in the spirit of feeling more abundant. During college, in my quest to live like the Average Joe, I bought my clothes from thrift stores and second-hand stores. It didn’t bother me if the clothes were torn or had holes in them.

Since that time, I’ve realized that, no, the average person doesn’t wear torn or ripped clothing.

While I still prefer simple clothes, and have only a minimal number of clothes, I try to buy better-quality clothing and have even purchased a couple of nicer shirts.

Your closet doesn’t need to look like the rack at Nordstrom’s, but you can purchase a few good-quality shirts or dresses. Wear them on a regular basis and feel more abundant by sporting some stylish fashions.

9. Create an inspiration board.

Some people say a vision board can inspire more wealth and abundance. On it, you place pictures of what you want to see in your life.

I have a different approach. I put things on my vision board that simply inspire me and that put me in a better mood. I incorporate quotes that inspire me, people who inspire me, and other photos and pictures that make me feel good.

I use this inspiration board to create a sense of happiness and positive vibrations so every time I look at it, I feel more abundance. My inspiration board is filled with peaceful places, churches, sanctuaries and a few famous people (Oprah, Deepak Chopra and hey, even my hero, Leo Babauta)

10. Be generous.

Finally, there’s no better way to feel a sense of abundance than to give back.

When you give, you feel better about yourself. Giving is the simplest and easiest way to feel abundance in your life.

When you give, you’re telling the universe that you’re in a state of wealth and enough. You can’t give unless you have.

Of course, you can’t give money when you don’t have money. But you can give your time and your energy. You can give your attention and your presence. You can provide free services or just help someone. Do one small act of kindness a day.

All of these practices will help you feel more abundance. If you’re wondering why you don’t have the money you desire, don’t sit back and do nothing.

And don’t take action alone without shifting your vibrations and your mindset.

No online course, special training, or raise at work will help until you change your mindset regarding money.

Start with these money-blocking exercises to break through your abundance blocks.

Feel more abundance and you’ll start seeing more abundance in your life.

* Photo credit

Why You Suck at Manifesting? (and 21 Universal Laws to Help You Get Everything You Want in Life)

Why You Suck at Manifesting? (and 21 Universal Laws to Help You Get Everything You Want in Life)

Our gift from the universe.

A little gift from the universe

Do you think the universe is out to thump you like the 2014 German World Cup team? (Yup, beat you 7-1 on your own turf, in your own country? ¡Que triste Brasil!)

Or do you believe the universe is like a well-dressed, chiseled-jaw, Italian gentleman with piercing blue eyes who discreetly whispers, “Ti adoro” (I adore you) into your ears as the clock strikes midnight?

One who listens intently to your every command and often grants your wishes?

Or, more likely, do you think that anyone who speaks about such things as “the universe” should be locked up in a far-away island-ashram with organic cuisine and non-stop audio recordings of Deepak Chopra?

The universe and you.

Each of us will characterize the universe as something different.

To some, the universe is the physical realm we live in.

Most correlate the universe with the natural order of the world we live in, even Mother Nature.

You may think of the universe in a spiritual realm, like a universal design or intelligence by a higher power.

Even God.

The universe can be your reality. The world as you see it.

How to have the universe on your side.

I’ve noticed in my own life that the more I’m tune with the universe and its laws, the more positive circumstances unfold in my favor and life feels like it’s rooting for me.

Other times, when I’ve been out of sorts with the universe, I feel like a floating feather in the eye of a hurricane, stirred violently in its arms.

When you’re in tune, the universe grants you favors like the Godfather.

In my own life, being in sync with the universe these days has resulted in a dream job, meeting the right people, rich experiences, exotic travel and circumstances falling into place.  

Even without asking for things, living by these universal principles makes miracles happen. It feels like magic at times!

Out of tune, the universe will feel like well-dressed, burly men in black, driving you out into the desert in the middle of the night with shovels in the trunk.

If you’re having trouble getting what you want in life, feeling out of sync with the universe and not manifesting your dreams, you may be in the dark about some powerful universal laws.

It’s not that you suck at manifesting – you just didn’t know about these universal laws existed. And if you had no idea these laws existed, you probably don’t know how you could live in alignment with them.

But all that is about to change now.

These are not laws I created, but simply discovered working in my life.

I find that when I’m in alignment with these 21 laws, miracles occur and dreams come true.

These 21 laws have helped me be one with the universe and have created some delightful circumstances in my life. I am writing these laws down to help you achieve your dreams and manifest your life desires.

21 Powerful Laws to Be One with the Universe and Manifest Your Every Wish

1.    Be present. Our desire is often to live in the past and in the future. Living in the past allows you to lick your wounds and immerse yourself in your pain. Living in the future elevates your anxiety and causes you to measure yourself against a future that is not yet here.

The universe works best with you when you live in the present time. Refuse to be hauled back to the past or constantly thinking of and fearing your future.

Whenever you become aware that you’re dreaming about that sweet relationship from 20 years ago or that ex who did you wrong, take note of it. Recognize that you’re drifting into the past.

Live here, now, by simply noticing when you drift away to the past or future.

2.    Be prayerful. Although this may be a religious concept to most, I don’t necessarily mean this in a religious sense. Sure, I may pray to a God, but a prayer of thanksgiving, a prayer for strength to deal with life’s twists and turns, or a prayer of hope will do just as well.

Prayer allows for focused reflection and alignment of our soul with the universe.

Prayer is a practice that allows your heart to communicate directly with the universe.

Speak to the universe through prayer, but refrain from groveling or begging. Instead, use these tips to pray the right way.

3.    Be still. This is an important one. Somehow when I’m still through a period of either silence or meditation, I am able to cut out the world around me and be on the exact same vibration as the universe.

“Day by day, become more and more intimate with the inner stillness, joy and love which is the fragrance of your own pure heart. Keep quiet.” Mooji

Be still. Meditate. Listen to yourself. Allow moments of silence so your intuition or soul will reveal answers to you.

Here’s a great meditation to do, led by Lilou.

4.    Set an intention. Let the universe know what you would like to see in your life.

No need to threaten, beg or be pushy.

You can simply set out the intention for more love, abundance, friendship, happiness or hope.

Set the intention for a new job, a new relationship, a new experience, or a travel adventure.

A vision board is certainly one way you can express your intention to the universe. You can see how to create a vision board here.

Writing your intentions on a piece of paper and then burning it or sending it down the river is another way.

So is writing a letter to the universe.

5.    Live like you’ve received it. Imagine how it would feel to have what you desire or request from the universe.

Use visualization techniques to feel and embrace what you desire.

I mentioned above that you shouldn’t live in the future or waste your time in any place other than the present moment. So how do you reconcile the two concepts?

Simply live today like you already have what you want. Feel those feelings and vibrations like you have your heart’s desire at this very moment. 

Imagine that it was you whom George Clooney had proposed to, instead of Amal Alamuddin.

Like you bought Ellen Degeneres’s house.

Scored the world cup goal, instead of Mario Goetze of Germany.

Jubilantly walked away with Clare Danes’s or Julia Louis-Dreyfus’s Emmy award.

6.    Be of service. Look for opportunities to help others and improve their lives.

If you’re feeling helpless, help someone.”  Aung San Suu Ky

The universe is both disciplined and reciprocal about your service to others. The more you serve freely and without expectations, the more the universe will serve you in your life.

If you serve with expectations, be prepared to face disappointments instead.

Try to help one person each day. Improve someone’s life in some small way.

Serve with your time, your talents, give your abilities to improve the lives of others.

Give more than you take. Give when you aren’t asked.

7.    Celebrate everyone’s gift. This is another biggie. As humans, we always are thinking of how to gain for ourselves.

The universe simply HATES this kind of thinking.

If you’re only worried about receiving for yourself, the universe sees this as selfish and self-indulgent.

The universe wants you to celebrate gifts that everyone gets, because the universe does not see any differences.

The universe isn’t a doting parent favoring only one child. And the universe isn’t like The Bachelor reality show where only one lucky woman walks away with the man of her dreams.

The universe isn’t a lottery where there’s only one winner. Everyone wins.

If you think you’re losing, if you try to compare yourself to others or feel resentment at the success of others, the universe will flip you off like a rushed commuter on the I-405.

Whatever anyone receives, celebrate it. My gift is your gift. Your mother-in-law’s success is your success. Your neighbor’s job promotion is your job promotion.

Your best friend’s Oscar win is your Oscar win.

Change your mindset from win-lose to win-win. When you win, I win. We all win.

Celebrate others as you would celebrate yourself.

8.    Give a hoot about others. Pay attention to what’s around you. Be more observant of your world.

Look for injustice, poverty, or inequality, and help do something about it.

Make a difference by caring. Change the world by alleviating the pain or problem.

Don’t look at a situation and say, “That’s not my problem”. Instead, think about what you can do to help that problem. What solutions can you come up with?

How can you help? Who should you inform?

Exercise your empathy at work and in life. Try to understand the circumstances others are in and the burdens they face.

Putting yourself in other people’s shoes opens up pores of compassion and love toward others and yourself.

The universe uses compassion and love as fertilizer to allow your life to bloom.

9.    Give thanks. Be forever grateful for what the universe has brought your way.

The more thankful you are, the more goodness the universe delivers to you.

The secret here is to be grateful for even the smallest things.

And even for things that you have no business being grateful for. While you may want to curl up in bed over a breakup, know that it could be a big step towards a better future.

When sick, be thankful that you’re having time off to rest.

When you have to shut down a business, be thankful that you don’t have to invest any more money.

When a loved one passes away, be thankful for all the time you were able to spend with them.

10.     Be love. Embrace, cultivate and radiate love towards others.

Love your partner and everyone else too.

Love your partner. And everyone else too.

Look for every opportunity to reflect love back at the world.

In the face of hatred, injustice and pain, respond with love.

If you’ve grown up without love or lacking love for yourself, then focus on building up your own self-worth and self-love. Read the manifesto on self-love here.

Love yourself as the universe wants to love you. You can only receive universal love when you have the ability to receive love yourself.

So, practice loving yourself, practice loving others, and practice loving everything.

Be a transmitter of love so the universe can work through you and manifest whatever it is your heart imagined.

11.     Forgive. Forgive anyone and everyone who has trespassed against you. Use radical forgiveness to let go of the deepest pains and injuries.

The universe can only bring you love when the wounds of pain and anger have healed. You must forgive to allow healing and love to envelop your life.

If you’re not getting what you want out of life, there are probably people in your life you’ve not forgiven. You must let go and forgive them, no matter how big the trespass was.

If you don’t forgive, the universe can’t do its work to bring you what you deserve. The universe will be caught up in your blocks and your resentments.

Universal energy cannot flow through you because you’ve stopped it with pettiness, bitterness and building a wall of negative vibrations around yourself.

If you can’t forgive in your heart, start by writing a letter of forgiveness to the person who has done you wrong.

12.     Let go. Let go of what’s holding you down. Let go of emotional turmoil, grudges and hurt. Let go of the past. Let go of pleasurable and painful experiences.

The universe does not like greedy people, and that’s exactly what you’re doing when you hold onto things.

When you hold onto uncomfortable or pleasurable experiences, the universe sees you hoarding something, clinging to feelings like you are to your favorite blanket.

But when you’re holding on so deeply to these feelings, you again stop the universal energy from flowing

“Most of our troubles are due to our passionate desire for and attachment to things that we misapprehend as enduring entities,” the Dalai Lama has said.

If you can’t let go of fleeting feelings and circumstances, how can the universe grant you better and richer experiences? If you’re hoarding the negative vibes (or even positive ones), how can the universe trust you with new experiences?

Embrace the experiences you face, but do not sit on the treasure of your experiences like a selfish Wall Street baron.

Say this: “I chose to let go of this experience” or “I chose to free myself from these feelings. I will allows these feelings to pass through me like the clouds in the sky.

In fact, be like the sky. Allow feelings, experiences and desires to float past you without grabbing onto them.

The sky is endless. The clouds are abundant.

13.     Trust. Trust that the universe will manifest what is right for you, not necessarily what you’ve asked for.

I used to make specific desires and request of the universe, but those manifestations have brought forth pain and struggle at times.

Instead, I now reveal my intentions to the universe, but do not demand how it goes about it or insist on a particular result.

The result I desire may not be right for me.

Trust the universe to use its infinite wisdom to deliver what is best for you.

Instead of demanding that you become the top cat at your company, ask the universe for a position that allows you to manage and lead others.

Instead of demanding a fancy home on the beach, ask the universe for a residence that makes you feel abundant and gives you joy.

Instead of the perfect man, ask for unconditional love, respect and someone who will empower you. Be open to whoever shows up.

14.     Be open. Don’t think the universe won’t deliver. Be open to receiving what the universe has in store for you.

It may not be exactly as you desire it, but simply give the universe time to deliver at the right time for you.

And be open to the various manifestations of your intention. Again, it may not be exactly as you had wished, but it will be what is right for you.

Also, we’re curious people. When things do show up in our lives, even if it’s exactly what we wanted, we run scared.

We make up stories in our mind about why someone is not right for us.  Even if our deepest heart’s desire shows up, we worry that it will go away, it isn’t right for us, it will end.

Whenever your heart feels like closing, open it. When it feels like running away, stay. Be present.

Know that whatever experience you’re having is the experience you need. It is the experience you need for the evolution of your consciousness, as Eckhart Tolle has declared.

15.     Follow the universe’s lead.

The universe will point and lead in certain directions.

Instead of fighting it, go with the flow.

The path of least resistance is the one the universe wants.

If you find yourself in a treacherous path in the pitch-black jungle, fear not.  Once again, trust the universe, knowing that there will always be dawn after darkness.

After struggling against and overcoming obstacles in your path, you will see the light.

The universe will guide you in certain directions. Certain paths and people will show up from nowhere. Know that these are signs and clues from the universe.

16.     Pay attention to clues. The universe will tell you what’s right with subtle and overwhelming messages.

The universe will speak to you through your intuition, but you may also receive guidance from a single conversation, a book, a phrase or even a seemingly random road sign or car license plate.

In order to be able to see the clues the universe regularly reveals to you, be more mindful to the sights and sounds around you.

If you’re not actively looking for clues from the universe, you’ll miss them.

If you’re trying to make a decision and 3 people give you unsolicited advice about the issue, it’s most likely a clue.

If you go to pick up a cream color cotton-cardigan by Bottega Veneta at the mall but discover it’s sold out, it could be a sign. If you see the same cream-color cardigan at the Banana Republic for one-tenth of the price, even more of a sign. If it’s an extra 20% off due to it being Valentine’s Day weekend, the universe is demanding that you pick it up.

17.     Make space. Start clearing out dead-weight thoughts, emotional baggage and other hurts and pains. Once you let go of a person, a feeling, or unproductive habits, you’ll have additional room for more positive people and circumstances in your life.

Leave toxic jobs, situations and even people so you have some breathing room.

The universe can only bring you something different if have room in your life for it.

Most importantly, make space with your time. If you fill every minute of every waking hour with something to do and people to see, how are you going to answer the universe’s appointments and messengers? And messages?

When can your soul mate find you when you’re working 18 hours a day and taking classes at night?

Free up your time. Free up your life. Reduce your commitments. Slow down.

Make space in your life so the universe can fill it with the things you want.

18.     Soften. Instead of being on edge, soften your heart.

The universe knows when you are resistant to opening yourself up to the world around you.

Even if you’ve been hurt or betrayed, lower the walls you’ve built around yourself.

Allow loving-kindness meditations and vibrations to soften your heart.

If your soul is pitch-black, envision a bright and loving light from within.

If your heart region feels like a rock, imagine water gushing away at the rock. Imagine that the person who loves you the most lives there.

Allow anger and spite to melt away under the potent power of love.

The most important thing you can do to soften your heart is to love yourself. I’ve written an entire manifesto to help you do just this. To download your free copy, visit here.

19.     Embrace your bliss. Do what makes you happy. Seek happiness like a firefly charmed by light.

Seek and experience continuous moments of joy in your day-to-day life.

Surround yourself with experiences and people that enrich your soul.

Seek and be in a continuous state of bliss, joy and delight.

This alone will bring you every wish and desire you want. What you’re doing here is raising your vibrations by feeling good. And feeling good is the ultimate secret to manifesting your every wish.

I’ve written an extensive article on how to feel good – all tips you can use in your daily living.

Feeling good is a real miracle – it will really magnetize your heart’s desires, and your wishes and dreams will show up at record speed.

If you do nothing else in life after reading this post, do this: spend your time consciously doing activities that make you feel joyous. Forget about desires or what you want. Just repeatedly engage in activities that make you feel good.

Of course, as a caveat, don’t take this advice literally. Gambling, drinking, drugs and taking too many selfies of yourself could have negative consequences on your life.

Feel good, but make sure you’re not harming yourself in the process.

20.     Wait. Allow the universe to deliver what you’ve requested on its terms, not on your rigid timelines.

Be patient while the universe does its work.

No need to be pushy with the universe’s timeline.  And no need to throw your hands up in despair and give up altogether.

If it’s meant to be, it will happen.

If the universe in its wisdom doesn’t believe something is right for you, it may delay the opportunity or withhold it altogether.

Universal wisdom reminds us that patience is always a virtue.

And remember, if you’re not manifesting what you want, what could you be doing wrong? Re-read through this post and see how you can live more in terms with universal principles.

21.     Acknowledge the miracles.


Miracles are everywhere (Singapore's St. Andrewss Cathedral)

Sometimes, you do all these things and your every desire comes true. But while you’re vacationing in the Black Forest in Germany or the tulip fields in the Netherlands with your irresistible dream guy, you may have forgotten what got you there.

You forget the universe. Forget above love. Forget about giving. Forget about how we’re all connected. Forget about feeling good. And forget how you achieved all your dreams in the first place.

When something good happens in your life, acknowledge it.

Say it out loud, “What a miracle!”

“What a synchronicity!” “I’m thrilled this happened!” “My wildest dreams came true!”

“Thank you universe. We are creating the most magical possibilities together.”

Be aware that the universal laws are in play. Be happy that you understand them, respect them and are applying them in your life.

#22 Bonus Law: Show Up. Just when I thought I had a complete list of all the universal laws, I was chatting about universal principles with my friend, Janet Brent. She reminded me of one powerful universal law I had left out. Along the lines of being present, you also have to SHOW UP.

In order to maximize the universe working in your favor, you have to make an effort to be there. You have be ready for what the universe has in store for you and be willing to receive it.

You also have to show up for the things that matter in your life, the things that you value and the things that you love.

When you show up for work you’re passionate about, clients your care about and the things you value in life, you create more connections and opportunities for yourself.

Be at the places your heart calls you to. Show up for your passions, dreams, values and people who matter to you. Be willing to receive what’s in store for you.

Remember, these laws are to help you be more in sync with the universe, but that doesn’t mean you should stop living your life altogether and not take any action. That is far from reality.

The universe wants you to be in motion and to make progress in your life, but it also appreciates right action and energy. Energy that is conscious, loving, giving, sharing, patient and grateful. Energy that is uplifting, filled with high vibrations, and cares about others.

To have the universe work in your favor, work these 21 laws (+1 bonus law) into your life. As you become more attuned to the universe, be prepared to be wowed by the miracles that unfold in your life.

*Photo credit carlwwycoff and friends Rolex Release (thanks Alex & Rod & Baby H)

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The not so secret law that trumps the law of attraction and magnetizes your heart’s desires

The not so secret law that trumps the law of attraction and magnetizes your heart’s desires

law of attraction man

“All that spirits desire, spirits attain.” Kahlil Gibran

Are you tired of waiting?

Waiting for that perfect man to walk into your life?

Waiting for your business to prosper or to move up that career ladder?

Waiting to purchase your dream house overlooking the golf course?

Or for that matter, even waiting at your favorite sushi restaurant for your name to be called?

Why do some people seem to get everything they want while the rest of us are left waiting and waiting?

What are the keys to manifesting your dreams and desires?

Is there some secret law you don’t know about?

And before you start writing me hate mail or challenging me to a duel to the death, take a long and deep breath.

I am not, I repeat, not going to talk to you about the law of attraction.

Well…not completely, anyway (I ducked below my desk just in case you picked up your laptop).

I am going to talk to you about a law that appears to be working in my life.

It’s a simple principle that Melody Fletcher of Deliberate Receiving introduced to me and one I’ve implemented in my life over the past couple of years.

No, I wouldn’t say I’ve achieved ALL of my dreams and desires.

I’ve not met that striking woman who’s a blend of Kate Middleton’s grace, Freida Pinto’s beauty, Eva Longoria’s conviction, and Julieta Venegas’s vocal chords.

I’m not living in my dream beach house in Monterey, California, writing novels while glancing outside my window to take in the startling sights of the Pacific Ocean for inspiration. Yet.

While none of these fancy desires have come true, I feel like the law is working very strongly in my life.

For example, I’ve attracted YOU – you’re reading this post, along with thousands of others coming to this blog monthly.

I’ve achieved my dream job and received an unexpected pay raise while doing work where I am able to profoundly improve people’s lives every day.

I’ve attracted beauty, joy, happiness, and peace that have come into my life like a strong ocean wave washing over a sandy beach.

Wonderful people, unanticipated and exciting experiences, travel and adventure are frequent visitors into my life.

Okay already…

What’s the secret to this universal principle and dream-creating law turning your desires into reality?

Feeling good.



Just cultivating feel-good, pleasurable, positive emotional states of being.

Buzzing on a juicy vibrational current.

Like how you feel after a cocktail hour, minus the 12 martinis.

How does this law work?

Here’s what I’ve noticed happening in my own life.

I actively seek out situations that allow me to feel good: enjoyable experiences, empathetic people and work that is in alignment with my soul.

The better I feel and the more positive emotions and vibrations flow through my body, the more positive things manifest in my life.

It feels like positive energy is attracted to joyful energy. If you’re emitting a highly upbeat vibration out to the world, you’re going to attract similar vibrations in your life – excitement, fulfillment, success and abundance!

What you desire appears easily and effortlessly.

If you’re emitting low-level vibrations, on the other hand, you’ll attract criticism, heartbreak, failure and lack.

The feel-good law: You will attract what you’re feeling and emitting to the world around you. Your internal state will magnetize either positive or negative circumstances. 

Here are 4 ways to feel good, take your vibrations up a notch and encourage the universe to deliver your heart’s desires:

  1. Create a feel-good life

    When you create a life that feels good, you actively pursue emotionally feel-good activities. You consciously create experiences and actively infuse your day with all the things that give you a natural buzz.

     Again, the same feeling you have after 3 glasses of your favorite chardonnay, minus the hangover.

    Whatever you fervently enjoy doing, do more of that. Create time to do it. Feeling good costs nothing unless you have an expensive De Beers diamonds or Saks Fifth Avenue habit!

    A leisurely afternoon walk on your favorite beach, a picnic overlooking the Santa Monica pier, a free concert in Golden Gate Park, a tour through an inspiring art gallery, or simply capturing photos of beautiful landscapes around you are a few ways to boost your vibrational account.
    2.    Create feel-good work.

    Fill your days with what makes you feel good, especially while at work, since your work life consumes such a big part of your day.

    If your career’s in the dumps or your colleagues are back-stabbing, money-hungry suck-ups, become aware of how they make you feel. If co-workers stifle your happiness, look for a way out of your job. A boss from hell should inspire you to get the hell out.

    If you’re a lawyer, dentist, stock-broker, debt collector or tax collector, QUIT your job.

    If the work you’re doing doesn’t serve you, it’s time to look for other jobs and opportunities. Less soul-crushing and more soul-enriching work.

    3. More Self-Care Please.

    Create delicious experiences that help you feel inspired, relaxed, joyful and happy.

    Schedule in that yoga class, acupuncture appointment, spa retreat, massage, reiki session, or life coaching session.

    Call your shrink, your therapist, your psychiatrist, your astrologer and your personal tarot-maven for clarity and insight.

    Indulge in exercise, nutrition and those nutritious green juices Farnoosh Brock whips up for a healthy shot of self-care.


    4.    Surround yourself with the right people.

    Surround yourself with people who make your soul sing. For me, it’s been a couple of my friends whom I’ve known for the past 20 years of my life and my two ever-amusing tiny nephews.

    Visit friends you enjoy spending time with, people who make you laugh,  supportive friends who have your back.

    Who makes you gush with excitement? Whose simple presence makes you feel alive? Identify those people and bring them more regularly into your life. Create time and be open to more opportunities with them.

    Your primary relationships matter most. If the people who are most in your life, spouses or significant others, do not help you feel joy and comfort, think about how you can reprioritize, rearrange or eject some of these folks outta your life.

    Once you create more experiences and interact with more people who make you feel good, you will start noticing the most amazing things happening in your life.

    You will find yourself in a state of absolute bliss and joy. And once you do, you will attract similar experiences and people into your life, people and experiences on similar vibrational levels.

How do you turn this law into a reality? What are practical steps to feel good?

Write up a feel-good list.

There are two kinds of lists to be made. You can write up a list at the end of the day of all the things that made you feel good. Simply observe and acknowledge what’s going on in your life that makes you feel good.

The other kind of feel-good list is used as a planning list. Plan activities, events and feel-good time. Write down those activities and practices that really make you feel like a million bucks.

When you identify those activities that really make you light up, calendar them in.

Calendar in feel-good time.

You’re busy. You’re always busy. So, how do you prioritize feel-good time? By scheduling it, of course. Make sure that a half hour or more of your day is “you” time – and feel-good time!

Use that time each day to do something that relaxes, re-energizes or fuels you.

Treat this time as a sacred and required part of your day. Spend more time during weekends and holidays focused on feeling good.

Be open to any and all experiences that come your way.

Once you start feeling good, you will start drawing rich and exciting experiences into your life: fab parties, introductions to interesting people and invitations to do things you’ve never thought of before.

Don’t resist internally or externally – be open to the experiences that unfold in your life.

Say “yes” to them more often.

Create strong and firm boundaries.

This is one of the most important principles of the feel-good law.

To put it simply, refuse to do things that don’t make you feel good.

Be strong, be vigilant, be uncompromising and ruthless about the people and circumstances in your life.

If your mother-in-law makes you want to get run over by a train because of her criticism and complaints, guess who you shouldn’t spend your holidays with?

If your boss is a screaming tyrant who should star in a sitcom about bad bosses, guess who needs to change or leave their job situation?

If you’re bullied into going somewhere, doing some activity or being in the company of people who get on your nerves, put your heels down.

Make an excuse. Find a way out. Say “no”.

Again, ruthless. And uncompromising.

SCREW OBLIGATION. SAY “NO” firmly and with conviction.

Boundaries can be an act of love and kindness also. Kate Swoboda shares some tips on how to create them.

Guard your happiness and your positive vibrations like the Secret Service protects the President or the Vatican protects the Pope.

No crazy people or deranged lunatics are welcome anywhere near you without getting tazered by a stunt gun.

Be thankful.

Thank the universe regularly for those things in your life that make you feel good.

As the law starts to work and your desires become a reality because you’re emitting a high emotional frequency, acknowledge what’s happening in your life and know that it’s a result of your feel-good lifestyle.

Acknowledge the miracles that unfold.

Be thankful for all the positive experiences and dreams that unfold in your life.

Go feel good!

Your emotions and personal vibes determine how you show up in the world.

And the emotional frequency you’re emitting will bring more of that into your life.

Happiness, peace and joy will attract more of the same.

Drama, irritation and annoyance will do the same.

Be strong in protecting your happy place. Guard your surroundings, circumstances, social circles and family interactions.

Go forth in the world and create more feel-good experiences. You’ll draw more magical circumstances, loving people and unimaginable success.

While I’ve closed the comments on the blog, drop by Twitter or Google+ and let me know how you feel about this feel-good law. Do you create feel-good experiences daily? Or think I’ve fallen off the deep end (again)?    

Photo credit: @mhofstrand